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  • Janelle

Would I Lie To You

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

Have you ever taken a test and felt you did extremely well? After the test, you might have expected to see a very high grade because you were confident in your performance. But, as it turns out you actually received a grade a lot lower than you believed you’d get. Now, have you ever taken a test you know you did not do well on? Surprisingly, when you get the test back you discover you received a really high mark. You may think how is this possible? I didn’t have any confidence, I didn’t study well, I felt completely unprepared for this test, how did I pass? It's hard to wrap your head around what caused you to succeed when you didn't take any usual steps that lead to passing. In life, the same things can occur. The reason why we do well while when we feel weak is God’s power works best in our weakness. He is the one carrying us and guiding us through life. We may sit wondering if giving our testimony as a Christian was done well even if the person didn’t give their life to Christ with you. Or we question whether we are being a light to others when we're the only advanced believer in our current circle of friends.

Recently I've been feeling weak. I'm a tad uncomfortable with my newest test and I know I need the strength and courage God has spiritually impregnated me with to survive. I’ve been crying, overthinking, getting angry and feeling defeated. I repeat over in my head 'God doesn’t lie to me.' Numbers 23:19 NIV states "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

When he shows me a dream it does indeed come true. When he tells me to do something specific and I do it, it works out. In the midst of my newest adventure with God I gain courage, increased faith and perseverance by saying 'God doesn’t lie to me.’ I repeated God doesn’t lie to me in my head as I walked into the grocery store a few weeks ago. At 9:40 at night one register was open. While standing in line the transaction took longer than usual. The cashier was distracted by having locked her keys in her car and everyone in line was made aware of it. Each of the two people in front of me shared their compassion, empathy and their own personal tale of the same occurrence. When it was my turn to be checked out a song I haven’t heard in more than a decade played throughout the store entitled ‘Would I Lie to You?’ by Charles & Eddie. I start bobbing my head to the music immediately hoping I’ll hear some of the lyrics long enough to search for the song on my phone once I got in my car. I try the Shazam app hoping it may work but being content if it doesn’t. To my surprise, even with the low audio in the store, Shazam picks it up. The cashier hands me my receipt and with joy and the semi frustration of standing in line now gone I say to her, 'thank you' with glee. I head to my car, play the song on Pandora and start crying.

I was so thankful that God heard my prayer earlier that when I asked him to speak to me. Thankful that he surprised me with lyrics to a song that resonated he doesn’t lie to me. To God, I say 'thank you for being here and not lying to me. I know you don’t lie to me. I get lonely and would like someone with me but I know you’re here and this song is proof that you are here. You hear me. I hope I’m making you proud even in my moments of feeling less than, unproductive, stagnant and un-relatable. At times wanting to give up all that I’ve prayed for and the blessings I know are on the way by being content if you call me home early so I can be in your arms. I’m not confident in myself, I have personality flaws, I don’t pick up on others sense of humor at times and am so sensitive that I take most of what people say and don’t say to heart. But God you are all powerful, all knowing, completely perfect and full of grace. I am not alone, you guide me through life. I am on your straight and narrow path. Thank you for making your presence known to me. '

God qualifies me when my resume doesn’t qualify myself. He gives me an A for just showing up, taking the test and trying to do things his way. I get an A for stepping out and trying things that are unnatural to my human condition. I get B’s and C’s when I try to walk by sight and not faith. I am a mediocre student when I lean with my understanding and fail to acknowledge his. When I feel mighty in this body, in my own right I will fail. I have failed. I have done less than with my efforts but I always succeed when I rely on Gods effort. Jesus was successful when he gave his life over to death to save the world. Jesus is successful when we honor him and give our life over for him to lead. Jesus is successful when we leave our offering to reconcile with one who is upset with us. Jesus is successful when we honestly pour out our hearts and tell him what’s going on because the Holy Spirit he left us is meant to comfort us.

We will not always be in a season of discomfort but when that time comes you are guaranteed to be comforted by the Holy Spirit. God indeed comforted me with the words I use to comfort myself about who he is and what he does. 'Would I lie to you?' he says to me. No God is not a liar, God doesn’t lie to me. It is so good to know that God is there when we need him and although we are going through new stages of life we are inexperienced in, we are victorious when we do as he's requested. "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9

I love you God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Thank you, angels, for what you do. For I came to serve not to be served. So as Jesus is, I am.

If you haven't declared Jesus as your Lord and Savior who saves you from sin then you can follow this Bible verse and be saved. "If you declare with you mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

Next is finding a Jesus centered church to learn, worship, serve in and become baptized!

#truth #nolies #God # Christian #test

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